
QNRT Services & Pricing

Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy, or QNRT™, initiates a quantum shift in the nervous system by resetting the brain to open “closed” brain lobes. An initial diagnostic brain scan is required to determine prognosis and create a custom plan for your treatment.

QNRT addresses trauma held captive subconsciously in your nervous system. An initial QNRT session involves “scanning” the brain lobes to determine how many are “closed”. A closed lobe indicates some level of stress or trauma. We’ll work to “reset” and “open” those lobes to facilitate a healthier neurological response to stimuli that formerly triggered what you experience as pain, trauma, and stress.

The goal of treatment is to help you live in a more balanced state of wellness and equip you to better manage the triggers and symptoms of your pain.

Single QNRT Sessions

Initial Evaluation & Reset – $295

Your initial appointment includes your diagnostic brain scan, discussion of results, and first reset.

A brain scan involves analyzing your eye movements; there are no machines or monitors involved. Once the scan is complete, we’ll discuss your results, including the number of “open” lobes, treatment outlook and  recommended plan. The session ends with your first brain reset.

Session duration: 1 hour

Follow-up Reset – $150

A follow-up session includes one reset.

A follow-up session can be scheduled after an initial evaluation or an intensive. The session includes a single brain reset.

Session duration: 30 minutes

QNRT Intensives

One-day Intensive – $450

A one-day intensive includes three (3) resets.

Your one-day intensive QNRT session will include an initial evaluation if needed and three (3) brain resets. Patients generally take a break after the second reset and return for the final session.

Session duration: 2 hours 30 minutes

Two-day Intensive – $850

A two-day intensive includes six (6) resets over two days

Your two-day intensive QNRT session will include an initial evaluation if needed and six (6) brain resets over two days. The reset schedule will be determined based on the individual. Breaks will be determined as appropriate.

Session duration: 5 hours over two consecutive days

Three-day Intensive – $1150

A three-day intensive includes nine (9) resets over three days

Your three-day intensive QNRT session will include an initial evaluation if needed and nine (9) brain resets over three days. The reset schedule will be determined based on the individual. Breaks will be determined as appropriate.

Session duration: 8 hours over three consecutive days